My name is Kristo, born in Estonia and based in the UK. Simply put, I like to compete in obstacle course races (OCR), hike mountains and travel the world. After I graduated university with my civil engineering degree I became more serious about OCRs and also discovered the world of mountain hiking. It all started with scrambling up to Snowdon via the Crib Goch ridge in 2015 and suddenly my eyes were opened. So far my biggest hiking achievement is completing the 180km Tour du Mont Blanc in 2021, carrying my tent and a heavy ass bag with me. I do a lot of solo hiking and like to push limits. This occasionaly results in some nervous situations, but that's how I get my fill of adrenaline and adventure.
The purpose of this blog is to share some of my crazier adventures and most intense events that I have experienced while racing and travelling to all corners of the world. I hope that these serve as entertainment and offer knowledge for people potentially finding themselves in similar situations and regardless of the nature of my experiences, they serve as inspiration for everyone to get out more. Explore the world around us, push your limits but most importantly don't forget to have fun.